First announcement for the XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2024”

Dear colleagues and friends,

We inform you that the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka, in cooperation with 15 institutions and organizations from the country and abroad, is organizing the XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2024”. The Symposium will be held in the city of Trebinje in the period from May 27 to 30, 2024.

We invite you to participate in “AgroReS 2024” with an oral or poster presentation. You can choose to submit abstracts or full papers. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. Depending on the author’s decision, the accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings or in the journal Agro-knowledge Journal (Agroznanje). The official language of the Symposium is English.
The deadline for abstract and paper submission is March 1, 2024.
Participants submit abstracts or papers through the online submission system available on the Symposium website where you can find other relevant information:

First call for the XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2024” you can download here.

We warmly welcome you and expect you at the AgroReS 2024,
AgroReS 2024 Organizing Committee